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Role of the ionicity in defect formation in Hf-based
dielectrics |
N. Umezawa, K. Shiraishi, S. Miyazaki, A. Uedono, Y.
Akasaka, S. Inumiya, A. Oshiyama, R. Hasunuma, K.
Yamabe, H. Momida, T. Ohno, K. Ohmori, T. Chikyow, Y.
Nara, K. Yamada |
ECS Transactions 11 |
p. 199-211. |
Vacancy-type defects in MOSFETs with high-k gate
dielectrics probed by monoenergetic positron beams |
A. Uedono, K. Shiraishi, K. Yamabe, S. Inumiya, Y.
Akasaka, S. Kamiyama, T. Matsuki, T. Aoyama, Y. Nara, S.
Miyazaki, H. Watanabe, N. Umezawa, T. Chikyow, S.
Ishibashi, T. Ohdaira, R. Suzuki and K. Yamada |
ECS Transactions 11 |
p. 81-90. |
Tight distribution of dielectric characteristics of
HfSiON in metal gate devices |
R. Hasunuma, T. Naito, C. Tamura, A. Uedono, K.
Shiraishi, N. Umezawa,T. Chikyow, S. Inumiya, M. Sato,
Y. Tamura, H. Watanabe, Y. Nara, Y. Ohji, S. Miyazaki,
K. Yamada, and K. Yamabe |
ECS Transactions 11 |
p. 3-11. |
Study of high-k gate dielectrics by means of
positron annihilation |
A. Uedono, T. Naito, T. Otsuka, K. Ito, K.
Shiraishi, K. Yamabe, S. Miyazaki, H. Watanabe, N.
Umezawa, A. Hamid, T. Chikyow, T. Ohdaira, R. Suzuki, S.
Ishibashi, S. Inumiya, S. Kamiyama, Y. Akasaka, Y. Nara,
K. Yamada |
phys. stat. sol. (c) 4 |
3599-3604. | | |
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Extensive studies for
effects of nitrogen incorporatin into Hf-based high-k
gate dielectrics
N. Umezawa, K.
Shiraishi, H. Watanabe, K. Torii, Y. Akasaka, S.
Inumiya, M. Boero, A. Uedono, S. Miyazaki, T. Ohno, T.
Chikyow, K. Yamabe, Y. Nara, and K. Yamada
ECS Transactions
An Unfavorable effect of nitrogen incorporation on
reduction in the oxygen vacancy formation energy in
Hf-based high-k gate oxides |
N. Umezawa, K. Shiraishi, Y. Akasaka, S. Inumiya, A.
Uedono, S. Miyazaki, T. Chikyow, T. Ohno, Y. Nara and K.
Yamada |
Transactions of the Materials Research Society of
Japan 31, No. 1 |
p. 129-132. |
Characterization of Vacancy Defects in Electroplated
Cu Films by Positron Annihilation and its Impact on
Stress Migration Reliability |
T. Suzuki, T. Nakamura, Y. Mizushima, T. Kouno, A.
Uedono, and H. Tsuchikawa |
AIP Conf. Proc. 817 |
198-204. | | |
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Asymmetric Distribution
of Charge Trap in HfO2-Based High-k Gate
K. Higuchi, T. Naito, A.
Uedono, K. Shiraishi, K. Torii, M. Boero, T. Chiyow, S.
Yamasaki, K. Yamada, R. Hasunuma, and K. Yamabe
ECS Transactions
Charge Trapping by Oxygen-Related Defects in
HfO2-based High-k Gate Dielectrics |
K. Yamabe, M. Goto, K. Higuchi, A. Uedono, K.
Shiraishi, S. Miyazaki, K. Torii, M. Boero, T. Chikyow,
S. Yamasaki, H. Kitajima, K. Yamada and T. Arikado |
IEEE 2005 Int. Reliability Physics Symposium
Proceeding, |
p.648-649 | | |
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Direct observation of vacancy defects in
electroplated Cu films |
T. Suzuki, A.Uedono, T. Nakamura, Y. Mizushima, H.
Kitada and Y. Koura |
Proc. 2004 IEEE Int. Interconnect. Tech. Conf., June
7-9, 2004, San Francisco, USA, |
p. 87-89. |
Point defects in thin HfAlOx films probed
by monoenergetic positron beams |
A. Uedono, R. Mitsuhashi, A. Horiuchi, K. Torii, K.
Yamabe, K. Yamada, R. Suzuki, T. Ohdaira and T.
Mikado |
Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 786, |
E1.2.1-E1.2.6 |
Vacancy-Type Defects in SrTiO3 Probed by
a Monoenergetic Positron Beam |
A. Uedono, M. Kiyohara, K. Shimoyama, Y. Matsunaga,
N. Yasui and K. Yamabe |
Materials Science Forum 445-446 |
| | |
Suppression of the Transient Current of MOS
Consisting of HfAlOx as Gate Dielectrics
Studied by Positron Annihilation |
A. Uedono, R. Mitsuhashi, A. Horiuchi, K. Torii, K.
Yamabe1, K. Yamada, R. Suzuki, T. Ohdaira and T. Mikado
Extended Abstracts of 2004 International Workshop on
Dielectric Thin Films for Future ULSI Device, May 26-28,
2004, Tokyo, Japan |
p. 120-123 |
Vacancy-Type Defects in SOI Wafers Probed by a
Monoenergetic Positron Beam |
A. Uedono, A. Ogura, N. Hattori, J. Kudo and S.
Nishikawa |
Proceedings of the Forum on the Science and
Technology of Silicon Materials 2003, November 25-27,
2003, Kanagawa, Japan |
p. 272-280 |
Improvement in thermal stability of the interfacial
layer for poly Si/HfAlOx gate stacks |
R. Mitsuhashi, A. Horiuchi, A. Uedono and K. Torii
Extended Abstracts of International Workshop on Gate
Insulator 2003, November 6-7, 2003, Tokyo, Japan |
p. 150-154. |
Study of defects in MOS structures using
HfAlOx gate dielectric by means of positron
annihilation |
A. Uedono, R. Mitsuhashi, A. Horiuchi, K. Torii, K.
Yamabe1, K. Yamada, R. Suzuki, T. Ohdaira and T. Mikado
Extended Abstracts of International Workshop on Gate
Insulator 2003, November 6-7, 2003, Tokyo, Japan |
p. 120-123 |
Degradation of Dielectric Characterizations of
Underlying Ultrathin SiO2 films by Al
Adsorption in High Vacuum |
M. Tanabe, M. Goto, A. Uedono and K. Yamabe |
Extended Abstracts of International Workshop on Gate
Insulator 2003, November 6-7, 2003, Tokyo, Japan |
p. 18-19. |
Annealing of a Vacancy-Type Defect and Diffusion of
Implanted Boron in 6H-SiC |
T. Ohshima, A. Uedono, O. Eryu, K.K. Lee, K. Abe, H.
Itoh and K. Nakashima |
Materials Science Forum 433-436 |
| | | |