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positron annihilation



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Title Auther Journal/Vol. Page
Computational studies of positron states and annihilation parameters in semiconductors - vacancy-type defects in group-III nitrides - S. Ishibashi and A. Uedono J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 674 012020(1-10)

Title Auther Journal/Vol. Page
Native and process induced defects in GaN films grown on Si substrates probed using a monoenergetic positron beam A. Uedono, T. Fujishima, Y. Cao, S. Joglekar, D. Piedra, H.-S. Lee, Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, N. Yoshihara, S. Ishibashi, M. Sumiya, O. Laboutin, W. Johnson, and T. Palacios 2014 Int. Workshop on Junction Technology Extended Abstracts, IEEE Press 73-77
Point defect characterization of group-III nitrides by using monoenergetic positron beams A. Uedono, S. Ishibashi, N. Oshima, R. Suzuki, and M. Sumiya ECS Trans. 61 19-30
First-principles calculation of positron states and annihilation parameters for group-III nitrides S. Ishibashi and A. Uedono J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 505 012010(1-4)
Defects in nitride-based semiconductors probed by positron annihilation A. Uedono, M Sumiya, S Ishibashi, N Oshima, and R Suzuki J. of Phys.: Conf. Ser. 505 012009(1-6)

Title Auther Journal/Vol. Page
Positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy of mechanically milled protein fiber powders and their free volume aspects K. Patil, S. Sellaiyan, R. Rajkhowa, T. Tsuzuki, T. Lin, S. V. Smith, X. Wang, and A. Uedono J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 443 012054
Material characterization for advanced Si LSI process technology by means of positron annihilation A Uedono, N Oshima, T Ohdaira, R Suzuki, and S Ishibashi J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 443 012067
Development of a sample chamber with humidity control for an atmospheric positron probe microanalyzer W. Zhou, N. Oshima, Z. Chen, K. Ito, B. E. O'Rourke, R. Kuroda, R. Suzuki, H. Yanagishita, T. Tsutsui, A. Uedono, and N. Hayashizaki J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 443 012090

Title Auther Journal/Vol. Page
Defect characterization of InGaN alloys probed using a monoenergetic positron beam A. Uedono, S. Ishibashi, T. Watanabe, X. Q. Wang, S. T. Liu, G. Chen, L. W. Sang, M. Sumiya, and B. Shen The 11th Int. Sym. On Advanced Tech. 113-114
Potential of III-V nitride films for the application to photovoltaic device M. Sumiya, A. Uedono, Y. Nakano, and T. Honda The 11th Int. Sym. On Advanced Tech. 109-110
Agglomeration and Dissociation of Vacancies in Electroless Deposited Cu Films Studied by Monoenergetic Positron Beams A. Uedono, Y. Dordi, S. Li, G. Mizunaga, K. Tenjinbayashi, N. Oshima, and R. Suzuki 2012 IEEE Int. Interconnect Tech. Conf. Session 9.4
Detection and characterization of residual damage in low-dose arsenic implanted silicon after high-temperature annealing A. Sagara, M. Hiraiwa, A. Uedono, and S. Shibata 12th Int. Workshop on Junction Technology Extended Abstracts, IEEE Press 81-84
Vacancy-type defects introduced by gas cluster ion implantation to Si probed by monoenergetic positron beams A. Uedono, T. Moriya, T. Tsutsui, S. Kimura, N. Oshima, R. Suzuki, S. Ishibashi, H. Matsui, M. Narushima, Y. Ishikawa, M. Graf, and K. Yamashita 12th Int. Workshop on Junction Technology Extended Abstracts, IEEE Press 85-88

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