Research Projects
Research focus at Kano Lab includes:
- Live cell and tissue imaging using coherent Raman spectroscopy *
- Detection of molecular chirality by Raman optical spectroscopy
- Stain-free live cell imaging using various nonlinear optical effects
- Development of novel technologies for live cell and tissue imaging using the new white-light laser source
Interdisciplinary Research at University of Tsukuba
We are part of the many collaborative studies and research networks within and outside the University.
- Ophthalmic imaging (with Dr. Kaji, Faculty of Medicine)
- Visualization of pluripotency of iPS cells (with Hisatake Lab, Faculty of Medicine)
- Research of fat-burning, brown adipocytes (with Hisatake Lab, Faculty of Medicine)
- Aurantiochytrium algae fuel technology (with Watanabe Lab, Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences)

* We are aiming at establishing a "CARS Imaging Center."
Please contact for imaging assistance for life and medical science purposes.
Link to one of our review articles:
‐Coherent Raman Spectroscopy Using a Supercontinuum Light Source (Mol. Sci.)